Superior Force For M 'Lady Tara Poem by ivor or ivor.e hogg

Superior Force For M 'Lady Tara

Rating: 5.0

Across the windswept moors it came.
A cloudburst worthy of the name
A million, million spears of rain
which pierced the earth again again.

The suddenly the storm has passed.
The sky no longer overcast.
A vast expanse of palest blue
with sunlight shining down anew.

The raging wind has ceased to scream
as if the storm had been a dream.
The thirsty earth has drunk her fill
replenished every flowing rill.

I venture forth resume my stroll.
But in the distance hear the roll
of thunders war drums ceaselessly
Beat out a rhythm threateningly.

Far, far away towards the coast
the storm clouds gather in a host
Preparing for a fresh assault.
The rain will fall without a halt.

The sea absorbs it easily
until the storm clouds wearily.
Give up their fight against the sea,
They cannot win its plain to see

The storm moves on but leaves behind,
a vivid picture in my mind.
A sight I never thought to see.
Rain pouring down torrentially.

So that the raindrops hid from view
The moorlands that I loved and knew.
A sight I may not see again
my moors submitting to the rain.

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Onelia Avelar 07 January 2009

Your gift for rhyming always fascinated me :) Especially if it is combined with some insight and some lovely sights as it is here...

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ivor or ivor.e hogg

ivor or ivor.e hogg

Hebburn.Co Durham U.K
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