Supernova Secret Poem by Ramona Thompson

Supernova Secret

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I know something that all of you would die to know
Something ordinary people like us should never know
Something sweet and just a little bit naughty
About a man
A very seductive sexy man
Whose name I cannot reveal here
My rockstar lover
My every dream come true and more
Oh so much more
How I wish I could tell you but I can't
All the sexy little details we keep just between us
This is our supernova secret

Such a thrill we get
Hiding it from all the fans
Our greatest pleasure
Shared together
Laughing and winking in their faces
As they take our picture
Lightbulbs flashing
All of them pleading to know
What are we hiding behind our sunny smiles and dark shades?
Are we really....?
Did we really....?
What is our supernova secret?

Bribe me
With all the cash and expensive jewels in the world
Baby I swear
I'll never tell
What I know that you don't
What you wish you did
Dying for a taste that we're never gonna give
No matter how hard you try
You'll never be able to pull it out of us
Struck together like glue
Honey, our lips are sealed when it comes to our
Supernova secret

Yes, I wear a ring
His ring
And he wears mine too
But no it's not for the reason that you think
But you're never be close enough to know for sure
Just how tight me and my boy really are
Teasing you
Till you wanna go insane
Better start pulling out all your hair and checking yourself into group therapy
Cos honey it's gonna drive you crazy both day and night
Trying so very hard to find out but you never will.....

Just what is our supernova secret?


I'll never tell and neither will he

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