Symphony Of Life Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Symphony Of Life

Wnen I woke up from a peaceful sleep,
I found you lying at my side,
Your velvet body luxuriously stretched
Along my height in deep sweet sleep;
Bare you were like golden cupid,
Afloat in ocean of swelling desires;
Liquescent beauty dipped in lucent halo,
Radiated thro' contours flowing all over you;
Those heavenly bosoms and flowery lips
And parted thighs with blossoming winnock
To the sanctum sanctorum of your Self -
Each sculpted on you with perfection,
Each moulded like heaven in rhyme and rhythm,
Invited me to possess and play them all.

I turned aside and moved nearer
And laid my hands on those golden mounds
That spoke what you meant deep in heart;
The warmth it gave me made mad with joy
And I pulled you closer and held in arms
And gave free vent to surging passions
In enflamed body and aroused mind;
Awaken'd by the floods and fury and gale,
You turned and twisted in ecstatic joy ‘neath'
Absorbing what I gave and begging for more.

We flared in turns, feeding each other,
Fire of each enflaming the other
And engulfing us like the wild-fire;
I flared and spread all over you,
Making you my own and taking for own;
We rolled in pleasure in unbound measure
In give and take of body and mind;
No refrain I had, no inhibitions you had,
Indulgences were heaven, pure heaven for us;
We desired no heaven, no God beyond us,
For, we found true God, salvation together.

Harmony is God, harmony, salvation,
Harmony is beauty, harmony, happiness,
Harmony is ease, harmony, progression;
Harmony in us, harmony deep within
In soul, mind, heart and eager bodies
Brought heaven to us on this very Earth
And carry us in symphony life after life
Over Earth and heaven and beyond that.

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