Supreme Conscience Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Supreme Conscience

Wherever I look there is some sense,
There is some purpose in every move,
In every turn, run, leap, rise or sad fall
As if a conscience hidden is guiding all.

One leads to another as cause and effect
While causation itself is conscience' act;
Changes are spurred by structures innate
While, innate by itself is conscience' art.

From strings in loops to superclusters
Or ‘neath and beyond all over universe,
All acts like soldiers on allocated tasks
On exact dictates flowing from above.

No faults or slips anywhere even once,
No excuses or plaints to cover lapses,
No negligence laziness anywhere here,
All clocklike work ticking as it moves.

All is structured to divine perfection,
All flows without rest to destined end
In faultless network from heel to head,
Whence and whither, none ever know.

All in exactitude to the nano-seconds,
Springs from all sides to the exact spot
To make things occur as it should do
At multiple planes as leads for ahead.

Systems within and outside the systems,
It is systems network of the infinite scale;
What conscience is that that conceived that,
How tiny human conscience perceives that?

All is with sense, and an ultimate sense,
All is in rapid move to an appointed end
At the behest of grand supreme conscience
That takes forward in a worthwhile cause.

Sunday, July 16, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life,philosophy
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