Take Your Time Recognize Dreams Poem by The Original Tom Maxwell

The Original Tom Maxwell

The Original Tom Maxwell

East St. Louis Illinois /now in Junction city, or Belleville, Illinois

Take Your Time Recognize Dreams

The tall fescue grass, on the bank,
Of the old mine pond, is a spring green,
The whistling, of the native birds,
For me to hear, the only sound,
Always beautiful, seasons change the scenes.
A whitish-gray sky, as I look above,
The opening buds, on a cluster of trees,
Thirty moons ago, everything was brown dormant
Looking out my window,
The warmth of the April sun wakes up nature,
So much beauty, for our eyes, to see.
As I stare in a trance, my mind not focused,
From what my eyes see, I am distracted back to reality,
As four medium size deer, across the creek,
One by one turning my way, keeping an eye on me,
Rain has started, as I sit in my home on higher ground,
Forty years, working for my means, when time permitted,
I cleaned up the swamp, the old pond,
Now time to enjoy, the dream, I created, and found.
The Original: Tom Maxwell ©4/11/2022 AD
2: 00 pm

The Original Tom Maxwell

The Original Tom Maxwell

East St. Louis Illinois /now in Junction city, or Belleville, Illinois
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