Talk To The Girl You Are Poem by Sarah Mkhonza

Talk To The Girl You Are

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Nobody knows the inside of you,
Nobody speaks to the girl you are,
You are the person given the task,
For you best know the girl you are.

Speak to yourself the truths you need,
Ask yourself the questions you have,
For it is you who walks up and down,
Knowing, touching and feeling all around you.
For you are the one top of this thing.

If you silence yourself with fear,
You will die to yourself unsure,
What you would have said to all,
Who wanted to hear the words you have,
For they were given only to you.

The land you live and walk on,
Knows your strides as you walk daily,
It gives to you all the power,
That lifts your torso into the air,
Propelling you to futures afar.
On roads of dirt and tar.

Talk to me and also to you,
For we want to hear your life,
Speaking in a dance, this laughter in you,
This song in your voice that is horse,
For it will never break like that of a boy,
To blast harder on the earth if you let it,
For it was made for such words as you have,
To release into the world right now,
For we cannot be sure when silence comes,
To turn off the walkie talkie that you are.

On this last jog that we are on,
I hope to hear you as I stride on,
Looking into the future with you,
Telling me in laughter song and dance,
For they are the LSD of life,
As I heard it said so long ago.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: girls
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