Tarot Snow. Poem by Steve Caine

Tarot Snow.

Tarot Snow.

If I could see the past, In the Kaleidoscope that's you,
I'd turn it so the light went out, for night time thoughts of you.
I would rewind and redact it, I think you know that's true,
Climb a mountain n' clear my head, of the avalanche that's you.

The Tarot cards were turning, why did I not believe,
Where my life was going, and where we both would be,
She told stories of the snow, and the cabin in the hills,
our last weekend of loving, finished with some pills.

Tarot Snow, Tarot Snow, I wish I'd listened so,
Maybe if I had, she didn't have to go,
I am now alone, and I will never know,
How the future might have been, if id listened so.

I tried to save you, still, you never told me why,
You left me all alone, helpless and outside.
In this Tarot story, it's the future I despise,
If I could turn the cards back, I'd choose my own demise.

For the future is without out, as I find the time to fill,
Wishing I can seen you, walk across those hills,
I uncover all the tracks, unravel all the past,
Searching lost words, reshuffling the cards?

Tarot Snow, Tarot Snow, I wish I'd listened so,
Maybe if I had, she didn't have to go,
I am now alone, and I will never know,
How the future might have been, if id listened so.

For If I could see the past, in the Kaleidoscope that's you,
I'd turn it so the lights came out, and shone in reds and blues,
I would run in and refract it, into cascading rainbow views,
Climb that mountain and in my head….

And Remember all that's you.

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