Tea Party Poem by Luke Easter

Tea Party

I distinctly remember when I was but a lad of ten,
Sunday afternoon mom had a gathering of friends,
They would arrive in Chevy’s via smiles and grins,
A kettle would whistle, this is how it would begin.

Let’s fast-forward some sixty years to now,2010,
It is no longer women only because there are men,
Since I have yet to see a tea bag anywhere, so then,
Today it’s not a tea party it’s more like a lion’s den.

The movement actually started in 2009 amidst a new,
As the first African American president set out to do,
Make radical changes however, because he is Black,
Yo, every single thing he does has come under attack.

Doesn’t matter that he inherited a mess already here,
Because there is also an inherited mess of racial fear,
Not that out with old in with new, shouldn’t be done,
Yet to accomplish it a Black need not be the first one.

View the posters and signs, his head with crossbones,
“Stop Socializing America” so leave integration alone?
Or, “an umbrella group, making it hard to pin down? ”
Allow me to clarify it for you, run Obama out of town.

Conservative Activists, Tea Party roared on the scene,
From funding with plenty of Benjamin Franklin green,
Some of their hopefuls are so outside the mainstream,
They've still been able to unite in realizing their dream.

What use is a Republican if they vote with Democrats?
They need a picture of James Cagney, “you dirty rat! ”
What is the Tea Party? Political pundits seem unsure?
Bigots who don’t want Barack to spend another tour.

Just maybe another one but only in Afghanistan or Iraq,
Like here his front will be just as suspicious as his back,
Exclaim another reason you don’t want him to succeed,
He prioritizes not those who want but those who need.

Ha, government bailouts of banks and auto companies,
But, many of those have turned around to profitability,
GM’s stock is climbing on the verge of serious money,
We assist others nations but not our own, that’s funny.

The Tea Party came together because of the mess in 2008,
All the presidents before Barack but it is Obama they hate?
Bush, daddy’s influence to get out of his obligation to serve,
Clinton fled to Canada, lied under oath, love him, what nerve.

Someone pointed out that Canada isn’t where Billy-Boy went,
One thing for sure it’s not where the military would have sent,
Point is, that he loves the country as president twice to serve,
Only as our Commander-In-Chief this too takes a lot of nerve.

Some still say Mr. Obama not President was not born here,
Nor, is the country where his mother gave birth really clear,
Here’s the only real movement, it is not quiet as the mouse,
Their goal? To get that, “Black” out of their, “White” house.

Luke Easter

Luke Easter

Cleveland, Ohio
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