Telephone Poem by Stay out of my life


Rating: 5.0

Why are we confined to the depths of a phone
The only time in which reality sits true
Then my heart can reach out and speak to you
Where no one can see or judge me or you

When I see you it turns my heart sad
Because I have nothing left to say
Which only makes you turn your heart away
And I know you hate this

Why is it easier to talk to you over the phone?
Why are you so different over the phone?
Why cant we seem to get off of the phone?
Why does it have to be this way?

Isnt that the strangest thing you ever heard
I friendship based on a telephone call
what does that mean
Will we ever move forward from this?

So I have decided to end it
To throw away my phone
Cut off my service
No more shall I use the phone

I will only speak to you in person to find out who you really are
Yes I have decided it shall be that way
Permanently, no more accursed phone
dammmnnn wait....
The Phone is Ringing......

Preeti - is here! 12 August 2006

It's like you were talking about me. It's so true, its way easier to talk over the phone! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Preets

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Brian Dorn 12 July 2006

Michelle, I find it interesting how some people find it easier to talk over the phone. I'm just the opposite... I'm terrible on the phone. I liked the poem, cute ending... well done!

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Kihindei Adai 28 June 2006

This poem is so true to life.......Great work!

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