The Birth Of Jesus - Part 1 Poem by Martin Greyford

The Birth Of Jesus - Part 1

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MARY - How glad I am in this whole universe.
For I have been favoured among all
The beautiful women of my land,
By the Almighty God.
He sent His Angel to me
And told me that I am going
To have a son named Emmanuel
- God is with us.

I don't have to be afraid anymore.
For God is with me indeed,
For choosing me to be the one to bring forth
The Savior of our nations,
The redeemer of our sins,
The king of the Jews
The one who was there in the beginning - Emmanuel
- God is with us.

I believe this God who has favoured me
Will not disgrace me in front of my fiencee Joseph.
I know His gotta better ways of doing things.
I've only been believing and trusting Him,
I never knew he would come to me
In form of his angel.
When the angel spoke to me - God spoke to - Emmanuel
-God is with us.

JOSEPH - After I learnt that Mary was pregnant
I was furious and almost dropped the
How could she be pregnant for I have
Not met with her and she's engaged to me?
She's been cheating on me with other men
I said to myself in anger - but
Don't be afraid Joseph, take Mary to be your wife.

As I slept, the angel spoke to me in my dream
That she's filled with the holy spirit.
I didn't really believe in angels though I've
Heard about them but when he spoke to me
I believed and thought of taking Mary right away.
I thought of how embarrassed I'll be
After taking her when she's already pregnant - but
Don't be afraid Joseph, take Mary to be your wife.

JOSEPH and MARY - And this our child
We'll protect him through out
And provide all the necessary things he needs.
A gift from God above
Through his angels voices
Emmanuel - God is with us and
We won't be afraid but take each other as
Husband and Wife.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: christmas
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