The Book Of All Times Poem by Mohammad Younus

The Book Of All Times

He would go into the cave on the Mount of light... find answers to the questions and mysteries;
He looked into his heart in the silence of the cave...
...and began meditating and contemplating,
And the days passed!

Though no answers came in human words...
...he continued looking straight at the formless...
...believing He is before him;
And asked questions about mysteries again...
...without moving his tongue and lips,
And the days passed!

One day he heard a mysterious voice, calling:
'READ in the name of thy Sustainer...
...who has created...
...who created man out of a germ-cell!
Read - for thy Sustainer is the Most Bountiful One...
Who has taught [man] the use of the pen!
Who taught man what he did not know! '¹
Tears of his heart began to flow from his eyes!
And the tears went down like spring rain;
Because he could not read!
And then he looked up at the archangel Gabriel again;
And heard from him of the words of God!
And read what God wanted him to read!
He got answers to all the questions and the mysteries!
And the days passed!

This is the Quran that descended...
...on the heart of Muhammad...
...from Allah!
The book of guidance for the whole humankind!
The book of all times!
He came with this book as the final messenger...
...from the Timeless for those who long to be righteous;
He came as a mercy to all the worlds.


¹ ref. al-alaq - the 96th chapter of the Quran.

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