The Carnage - War, Terrorism, Migrations And Covid-19 Outbreak Poem by Kenneth Maswabi

The Carnage - War, Terrorism, Migrations And Covid-19 Outbreak

I am not a mathematician
I cannot create great mathematical models
To charter the path of time and circumstances
To link the denominator to the numerator
To predict the equation of the future
I am neither a philosopher
To hold at threads of knowledge
And sew a story of parallel universes
I am a spirit poet
Following the winds of time
I cannot loosen myself from my physical incapacitation
And free myself to indulge in my spiritual growth
I have to analyse the predicament of humanity
And look through the prism of time
Not to laugh at the manuscript of history
But to open the curtain of knowledge
And may be to close the door of ignorance
First it was war and terrorism giving us glimpses of untoward human sufferings
Then came migrations of millions of refugees - from Africa and Middle Eastern Countries
Fleeing the path of violence
Mothers and their babies
Risking the Mediterranean ocean currents
In tiny dinghy boats
To have a taste of peace in foreign lands
Finally we are compressed by the coronavirus
People from all facets of life dropping dead
Neither country nor village
Spared the brunt of the carnage
Scientists held to helplessness
As they prescribed social distancing
And the face mask became a norm
Is it possible that humanity has trespassed into uncharted terrain?
I the spirit poet looking deep into the spiritual realms
Foresee a great suffering - as tormented spirits wallowing in years of poverty and injustices
Seek their revenge
Selfishness has overgrown the landscape of the world
From boardrooms to classrooms
Corruptions has been planted in the psyche of man (woman)
And individualism has been permanently erected
Competition is the order of the day
Lies and deceit are part of the curriculum
Democracy and capitalism are boxed together
The rich are getting richer at the expense of the poor
Inequality has ballooned
But nobody seems to care for the poor and vulnerable
The UN is not what it was supposed to be
WHO has lost its formidable reputation
The USA is wallowing in the after effects of 400 years of constructed racism
EU is not spared - unfocused and toothless - under the grasp of technocrats and bureaucrats
Russia and China are locked in self-admiration and denial - the curse of pseudo dictatorships
South America needs to come to the table and occupy the seat of togetherness
The Middle East needs to come out of the court of medieval squabbles
Africa is not spared the curse of hungry vultures - post colonialism mental and ethical deprivations
As looting of state resources is a norm
Unless the world dismantle the mechanism of capitalism and inequality
And re-write the manuscript of democracy and prosperity
To hold humanity accountable
To each and every one of the masses
And address the needs of the poor and vulnerable
The world will continue to suffer
Only Love can change our path
And bring us back to normality


Friday, June 5, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: humanity,life,love,love and life
Kenneth Maswabi

Kenneth Maswabi

Maun, Botswana
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