The Cat's Cry Poem by Dr Avinash Dal

The Cat's Cry

In the place I knew and visited
So often and even rested
I wondered why I heard a cat's cry
As if trying to say some 'Hi'

I looked left and right 
But could not see a slight
No cat or whatever to see
Only imagined by me?

Yet I was sure as hell
And could swear or tell
That I had heard that sweet
Short like a bird's tweet

Ah! There it is once more
This time I am very sure
It's quite loud and plain
And coming again and again

There is a bit of fear
In that voice, very clear
Some distress or some pain
It is not crying out in vain

I search here and there 
Up the steps and down somewhere
Behind the bin and the door
I even went down the store

It brought about an urgency
A resonance of some lunacy
Why should I think and find
A cat whom I should not mind

Yet I keep looking around
In the direction of sound
To see the origin of this tide
Which rises in heart's shoreside

Is there a familiar malencholy
Or just my mind's folly
Perhaps, I see myself 
As the cat on the shelf

At least I heard its cry soon
But I sit to wonder soon
No one who can hear
My mind's cry, I fear.

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