The Chase Of The Gazelle From Tamarind Poem by Sarah Mkhonza

The Chase Of The Gazelle From Tamarind

Have you seen a gazelle grazing on
The plains her head sniffing the air
She is making sure no beast will prey
On her. Then all of a sudden she
Takes a leap and starts off in a
Gallop and speeds off.

This Gazelle from Tamarind hears
Dogs barking and sees a poacher
With his pack of dogs coming after
Her. She runs in the direction of
Other gazelles from Tamarind and
Only feels safe when she is with
Her own. She joins the others and
They run off now a crowd the safety
Of which is the crowd.

They come to a river and throw themselves in and the hunters
Let the dogs do the chase while
They find a shallow place to
Cross and on goes the chase.

Forever she runs looking this
Way and that and finally they
Disappear into a rocky alley
And the dogs give up the chase.

The Gazelle looks back and
Utters a sigh of relief that
Says that was close. Next time
They will get me and I will be
Dead meat. Let me celebrate by
Eating while I can for grass is Sweeter after a close call.

She eats grass with a ravenous zeal
Reminiscing with the others as
Their mother repeats the rules
Of survival and tells them to
Always stay close to each other
For today we almost lost the
Fairest daughter of Tamarind.
Look we would have lost two
For right there the gazelle g
Goes into labour and a new born
Joins the pack. Those dogs almo
Had a royal feast of
And we almost lost a future king
For look he has the kingly birhmark
Behind the ears that only comes three
Times in hundred years.

Thursday, November 24, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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