The Criminal Distinction Between Sociopaths And Psychopaths Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

The Criminal Distinction Between Sociopaths And Psychopaths

Being nervous and easily agitated I saw,
a volatile and emotionally distressed individual.
Not excluding fits of deep violent seething rage.
Uneducated and unable to keep a job, living
on the fringes of society.
Prone to spontaneous uncontrollable fits of masterbation.

Kidnapping the occasional child or women, on these
without empathy, the circular cutting around each soft breast.
Inverting their nipples to draw attention to each master piece.
And the impossibility to form attachments with other people,
that don't share with U.S. a similar taste.

Unplanned, the pretty sociopath has learned to use her good look's
and superior intelligence
to chose the next man she meet's across town in his bar.
Moving from town to town because of it's large population base.
Through the window of her eyes he mistakingly felt some sort
of tie a bond of regret with her soul.

Unable to form any emotional attachments, I could have been
that young male, whoms mother as a child did the most
god awful thing's, that felt not unreasonably good.
Without a sound, I'd tie her up using her butt plug to keep
the ennama tube in, filling her rectum up with warm soapy water.
While laying in the bed made for me, where she slept.

Thus we learned to mimic emotions,
and despite our inability to actually harbour or feel them,
we appeared normal to people like you.
Unlike the sociopaths, we psychopaths are often well educated
extremely good looking and can hold steady jobs.
Allowing U.S. to support our dark modest fantasies.

Some of U.S. were so good at manipulation and mimicry that
our families and our relationships never suspected U.S. of
our pure deeper nature.

In my opinion the psychopath is different than the sociopath
in this respect.
I believe that the psychopath is the result of nature, perhaps
genetic, while sociopaths are more likely the result of the
over protective mother,
the narcissistic nurturer of his/her environment.

It could be that a psychopath is related to a physiological defect
that results in the underdevelopment of certain part of the brain responsible for impulse control and emotions.
Sociopaths could be more likely the product of childhood trauma
and physical/emotional abuse.

I can but conclude based on my own childhood, that developing into a sociopath is from that abused childhood learned.
Hence rather than being innate,
and that some of U.S. then can be capable of empathy,
in a certain limited set of circumstances but not in others,
and with a few limited individuals, but not with their mother.
Some times in truth our demon's were created when I as a baby
was not smothered.

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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