The Crooked Teeth Want To Smile Behind The Mask Of Smudgy Diplomacy! Poem by Shiv priya

The Crooked Teeth Want To Smile Behind The Mask Of Smudgy Diplomacy!

Rating: 5.0

Insulting is not how I will clear this fact to you that your fake diplomacy and pretentious character are the worst and weak factors that will cause your fall.

Do you report back to your emotions in that fake diplomacy? When you have the ideas of vengeance and damaging others. Your speech won't support the inner format of hard-hearted diplomacy (Where little constructive and positive way would come up) .
In this case, either you will leave behind many traces of the building of your traps and eventually fail upon your ideas.

U keep that diplomatic tone of the speech very high. But instead of supporting the innovative inner perspective of genuine diplomacy, you are always rejoicing with erroneous ideas.

Does creativity happen from negativity?

Genuine diplomacy is a creative process. Believe it or not, it has much to do with the person's genuineness which is absent on your part.

The genuineness carries the procedure of the walk-the-talk process.
Your friends who are likely hailing your bad ideas may mend their behavior to soothe the feelings of many by building a vision of achieving success on your failing.

They don't realize it is their first hole in the ship of success, from where they demand this smashing triumph.

Who is at a loss here? You, your sinful ideas, and people forge more bad ideas by enjoying your failure.


The Crooked Teeth Want To Smile Behind The Mask Of Smudgy Diplomacy!
Diplomacy, Part 2, Album Name- Politics.
Shiv priya 11 June 2023

Thank you so much for your kind words and for rating my poem on politics with 5 stars! I'm thrilled that you enjoyed and found it to be exceptional. It means a lot to me that you appreciate the message behind the poem and recognize the importance of honesty in diplomacy.

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M. Asim Nehal 09 June 2023

This is an exceptional parody of those who treat diplomacy as a mere game and conceal their true intentions while attempting to please with a pleasant smile. I sincerely sympathize with them. Magnificent verse.5****

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