The Garden Poem by Peter Carr Thomas

The Garden

Rating: 5.0

I feel to shout
And skip about
The garden's lovely bloom!
And offer twice
My token price,
For beauty and - perfume.

The glorious view
Shows heavy dew
Or drops from lightest rain-
Embellished hues
These flowers use,
Their friends to greet again.

The birds that hum
To them they come,
And bright wing'd butterflies-
Slow moving bees
Mingle with these,
With black and bulging eyes.

The cutest things
With classic wings,
They circle round the gems-
As they descend
The colors blend,
And splendor add to stems.

The pretty sight
Alive and bright,
It keeps enthrallment strong-
It holds my smile
The longest while,
And starts the urge for song.

I know the way
To squarely pay
For beauty's stunning blaze!
My word of pray'r
My Lord will hear
And thanks and timely praise.

Whispers of love
That went above,
Their mark they did not miss-
The present thrill
Keeps rising still,
And points to proof of this.

This happiness
Which I express,
Shall long remain it seems-
For day or night
This new delight,
Will come again in dreams.


Saturday, August 19, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: beautiful,butterflies,happiness,happy,life,nature,peace,spring,summer time
Jazib Kamalvi 12 May 2019

A good start with a nice poem, Peter Carr. You may like to read my poem, Love And Iust. Thank you.

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Peter Thomas 31 August 2017

This is a nice poem of nature. The rthytnn is fantastic. The sky is your limit keep it rolling.

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Chinedu Dike 21 August 2017

Beautiful rendition of words embellished in poetic rhyme and rhythm. Thanks for sharing Peter.

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Peter Thomas 26 August 2017

Thanks Chinedu I appreciate your comment. Thanks for reading ☺️

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Hans Vr 19 August 2017

Wow, Peter, this is a very nice and superbly enjoyable first poem, you post here. I like the original shape and your fantastic and very poetic poetic description of the joy nature can bring to us. All thumbs up! Keep writing.

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Peter Thomas 26 August 2017

Thanks for the thumbs up. I appreciate your comment.

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