The Gift Poem by Jim Yerman

The Gift

As the season of giving approaches…as we hope for Christmas snow
I'm reminded of a Christmas gift …given to my ex-wife years ago.

We were teaching in the same school…when she unwrapped one of her student's mother's bras
and as she held it up for all to see…we went from shock…to awe.

We weren't sure what to think at first…we didn't have an inkling
as to what this present meant…as to what this mother could be thinking…

But then we paused a moment…and realized our thinking small.
This family was poor and it was wonderful…she gave anything at all.

She didn't have the money for anything fancy…no cars or boats or furs
So wanted to give a gift that meant a lot…and was personal to her.

A way to show this teacher…she makes a difference every day
so…to show that she supports her…she gave her bra away.

It's ironic how a simple gift…isn't as simple as it appears…
How a gift we first thought funny…can change our laughter into tears….

How a gesture can stay with us…to remind us each day we're living
sometime the gift is unimportant……because the gift is in the giving.

Susheela Shiju 02 December 2018

very true! well penned! 10

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