The Goddess Of Decision Poem by Oluwatosin Thomas

The Goddess Of Decision

Many years down the line,
"Some fruits or some bread, " I heard from my father,
"The two will do please, " I replied.
My lips got dried up as lack of vitamins, ,
Fruits will help the situation, as bread will also save me from hunger.
"No my son" My father replied, "Choose one."
As intelligent as i was in my astute nature,
My father asked, "A suit or a shoe, "
"Can i have both please, " I replied,
This shoe is nice and will orchestrate my steps,
The suit as well rhymes with my complexion.
"No, just one" My father replied.
As adult stage crawled in,
"A laptop or a smart phone, " My father asked!
"Obviously the two sire, " I craved.
The laptop will be of help on academic rush,
The phone will also impress Adeola my crush.
"No, only one" He replied.
As a sweet salary earner and my business in line,
I asked myself, "A house or a Rolls-Royce? "
"The two will be good" I answered.
Shelter and comfort the house will give,
Perfection and elevation, the car will add.
I huzzled and sweat for life,
Hmm, no fearless lines for I'm truly Scared here at this junction.
Wirra! The examination of life sitting right on my lap,
The tales of my father rang through my head,
As i looked front and back, thinking about the decision to take,
Nodding my head at karma.
Appealing to scale of preference for a conclusion on the altar of choice,
On how to satisfy the goddess of decision.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: goddess
Savita Tyagi 28 August 2019

Great poem. Decision and preference go so much hand in hand that I am inclined to create a balance between my choices. Life doesn’t always comes with one choice. If one knows how to juggle two balls one can certainly expand. If and when life leaves you no choice be bold and accept it.

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