The Happiest Words Poem by Jim Yerman

The Happiest Words

I was thinking about all the happiness I've experienced in my life…all the joy and laughter…and then…I began to wonder if some of the happiest words ever spoken aren't….Do You Remember When?

Do you remember when we were kids? Do you remember all the fads?
Do you remember all the trouble we got into? Do you remember all the fun we had?

Do you remember the day we met? Do you remember what was going through your head? Do you remember the day we fell in love? Do you remember the day we wed?

Do you remember when our children were young? Do you remember all the places we traveled to? Do you remember all the foods we ate? Do you remember all those different views?

Do you remember when you first saw snow? Do you remember when we got cable? Do you remember when all the chairs were filled…around our dining room table?

Do remember this movie? Do you remember that song? Do you remember the games we played? Do you remember celebrating all those holidays? Do you remember all those birthday cakes you made?

I think what gives these words their happiness…a happiness beyond compare…is not only the memories they evoke…but how those memories were shared.

For It does't matter if we're remembering something huge…or a memory quite small…memories we share…are the happiest memories of all.

How lucky we are to have the ability to be reminded of our happiness…again and again and again…every time we sit down with family and friends and ask the question…Do you remember when?

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