The Heart Of A Child Poem by Dorothy (Alves) Holmes

The Heart Of A Child

Rating: 4.3

I think perhaps
The heart of a child really is
Heart shaped,
Like those on valentine cards,
Delicate and soft with seed pearls
And dainty lace and fancy glittered
Ribbons, spilling over like happiness.
Yes, heart shaped,
You can tell by the sound of their
Laughter and of course by the way
They smile...
Babies coo the sweetest sounds
And we respond with silly conversations.
There is joy in the heart of a child when
They look at you...
Our voices comfort them as we lull them to lovingly we rock them to a
Dreamland, fast to sleep and ask the Lord
Their souls to keep...words from a song someone
sang to us so long ago...Hush Little Baby Don't
Say A Word...' 'Lullaby And Good Night...
Sometimes, self styled lullabies
Suddenly they discover they have toes and fingers
And we love the way these strong little fingers
Pull at our hair and glasses and grab and twist
Our lips and scratch our faces...Ah, but we don't care.
Soon they are crawling and scampering across
The floor on all fours, then struggling to sit up
With backs stronger than we remember baby backs
Should be at seven months...
Oops! down they tumble and fall and tumble
As they discover this something called standing.
We offer fingers and hands to steady them as
They wobble...then almost before we know it, they
Rush to us with out stretched arms, they stagger
On tip toes and forge those first steps to independence.
They have a look of amazement that says, 'I did it! .
We reward them with applauds and kisses.
We grin and make telephone calls in celebration!
These wonderful, beautiful babies know without a doubt
that now they rule in this palace, this place this home.
As babies grow we rarely misss a chance to brag to
Family, friends and neighbors and often strangers
About the wonder and special qualities of our precious child.
Yes, the heart of a child is heart shaped like those
They draw with pictures of us in the middle...
Heart shaped by an intergenerational connection of
Family, neighbors and friends and even that stranger
That says 'your baby is so adorable...

(The Heart of A Child- Part I)

Elena Sandu 19 April 2015

Charming poem, children's first step, a mother's magic tale!

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Magda Graf 10 April 2008

I felt so reminded of when my daughters were little - and the absolute centre of my world.

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Coach Roth 07 April 2008

Beautiful sweet sentiments...the way it should be...nice...Coach

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