The Hopeless Poem by Theorem The Truth Serum

The Hopeless

I hope I don't lose all hope and end up
a man who lives off of the streets.
I've heard the things they say about the hopeless.
'Was it the parents or was he just lazy? '
'He smells like sewage and his beard grows
like uncontrollable tree roots.'
'His hair is longer than his ambition.'
'Why does he beg for money that he didn't earn? '
'He thinks that we should give him money just
because he doesn't want to work like the rest of us.'
'He's such a pathetic loser.'
'You better not turn out like him honey.'
'He deserves to be a real lifeless corpse.'
'He's probably collecting unemployment.'
'He makes me sick.'

A hopeless man stands up out of no where
with much effort because lifting ones self with
a hundred layers of clothes on is not easy.
'You people make me sick...why can't you
just leave other people alone?
Why aren't you sensitive to a man who has
lost everything in his life?
How can you expect each and everyone of them
to pull themselves out of the depths?
Well I'm sick of being a robot to a mainframe
that does nothing but stupid things.
To hell with all of you.'

He left nothing but faces in shock.
They didn't know what to say.
Their jaws stayed cemented to the
concrete that he called his home for an evening.
I hope you like the taste of his truth spouted urin.

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