The Infection (Sestina Sestina Sestina Sestina) Poem by Udiah (witness to Yah)

The Infection (Sestina Sestina Sestina Sestina)

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In the world that was as one might expect
God made the cosmos for cause and effect
Our souls He did make as He would elect
Not a one was made then He did reject
Joyfully we sang no sin did infect
As God created and worked to perfect

One angel did God make almost perfect
Many good things did God come to expect
But, his pride corrupted and did infect
Thoughts of his mind, a negative effect
God's own control he did come to reject
For it was himself that he did elect

To make a rebellion was his elect
The thoughts in his mind said he was perfect
Conning a third into God to reject
With two thirds not knowing what to expect
The rebellion itself had great effect
For many did his thoughts come to infect

'Twas seven thousand who did not infect
They stood with God and became His elect
Fighting to halt the negative effect
God found in them a love almost perfect
It was from them He knew what to expect
It was His control they did not reject

That age was ended and God did reject
Ideas with which satan did infect
Now souls are tested as one would expect
To see if it's God's ways they do elect
Accepting souls that are not quite perfect
For loving Him, a positive effect

God sent His Son, a great loving effect
Satan and his kind did Him they reject
His Son is the only one that's perfect
It is His love that will never infect
All of His children whom His Son elect
In Him is all hope one comes to expect

One can always expect God's love effect
If one does elect never to reject
Christ's ending the infect, making perfect

(Job 38: 7, Ezek 28: 1-19, Isa 14: 12-17, Rev 12: 3-4,1Kings 19: 18, Jer 4: 23-27,2Peter 3: 5-7, John 3: 16,14: 15, Mat 21: 33-41, Heb 5: 9, Eph 1: 7)

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