The Journey Of Life. Poem by Zotena Moses

The Journey Of Life.

Rating: 4.8

Broad is the road
cunning is the movement
unstable the feelings
uncountable the foot prints
yet narrow is the gate

many questions in the journey of life
but far is man to the answers
in darkness we journey
each day a new chapter is open
each day a chapter is cover
the open are celebrated
the cover are mourn and wail upon
like breath, forgotten the next second
still the journey continue.

the road is dangerous
yet its the busiest
man is bad
yet he is good
life is in phases
yet man gets bigger in sizes each day

some tall, some short
some fair, some dark
some white, some black
some healthy, some sickler
some happy, some sad
some rich, some poor
some negative, some positive
plus and minus makes the journey of life

then the journey gets thougher
the strong quit reasons to continue
like thought forgotten the next day
know end to the journey of man
as it is, so it will be
let no man forget his destiny
let not the Shadow of life cover you
for one destiny ascribe to all man
the grave, the end of struggle
the beginning of rest
a place for the strong, for the weak
for the oppressed, for the oppressor
let no idle deceive you
seek God in your journey
love God, honour God & obey His commandment, with this
it shall be well with your soul.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Adolphus Moses 04 October 2016

I appreciate you for your time... thanks@Chinedu Dike.

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Chinedu Dike 02 June 2016

An insightful depiction of vanity upon vanity. A lovely portrayal of tumultuous journey of life which is fraught with many stumbling blocks - a voyage of bliss sadly blended with grief. Beautiful poem with a call for total submission to the Will Of God. Thanks for sharing Adolphus.

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Adolphus Moses 14 June 2016

Thanks for appreciating...

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Dr Antony Theodore 17 May 2016

seek God in your journey love God, honour God & obey His commandment, with this it shall be well with your soul. yes the journey of life is full of hurdles and difficulties and misunderstandings and cheatings..... only our relationship with God brings in joy and comfort for the soul, for the brain and for the heart. thank you dear poet . tony

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Adolphus Moses 14 June 2016

Thanks very much. God is good.

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