The Joy Of Reading Slowly Poem by Jim Yerman

The Joy Of Reading Slowly

I am an avid reader now that I'm older, but not so long ago
back in school I was admonished because I read too slow.

For many years I did not read: no books…no prose…no verse
I'm reading again but I now see my slowness as a blessing…not a curse.

When I open a book I never know what the author has in store.
Will there be drama, comedy, mystery or perhaps a little something more?

Once I saw a book as only words on paper...that made them seem so bland.
Now I see them as stepping stones into another land.

From the comfort of my bed or chair the adventure doth begin
for once I turn a page I'm going to a place I've never been

I can journey to exotic lands, witness untold beauty so sublime...
It's even possible in a book to go traveling through time.

I can help solve difficult cases, know what's lingering behind that door
I can feel the joy of love when it emerges, or the horrors of a war.

Where else can I travel the globe and experience such wonderful panoramas
all from the safety of my home while still in my pajamas?

Which brings me back to reading slowly, if I can travel from the present to the past,
from one world to the next, why would I want to go fast?

No, I prefer to take my time…for it's part of my overall plan
once I'm in a book, to linger as long as I can.

So to my old teachers I say do not worry
although my reading skills have not improved with age
the joy I get from reading
lasts a little longer on each page.

Saturday, December 21, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: reading
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