The Land Of The Unicorns Poem by Steffi Webster

The Land Of The Unicorns

The wolf pads forward, spear teeth bared
I tell you I was more than scared
I scrambled towards the nearest tree
I could tell it wasn't frightened of me
His mottled grey coat was sleek and neat
This was an experience I wouldn't repeat
He gave a howl to the sky above
And out of my tree flew a startled dove
I flung myself into the tree
The wolf merely growled at me
He gave a commaning evil bark
It reminded me of the snap of a shark
The ground suddenly started to shake
I found myself thinking 'is it an earthquake? '
A thousand stallions galloped and reared
I shreiked with terror as they neared
One hundred black eagles darkened the sky
Every one flew very high
They dive bombed my tree, each in turn
I looked at them closely and saw their eyes burn
One finally sezed me, I started to cry
Now was surely the time to die
But I was released and dropped to the ground
I caught my breath and looked around
Into it's eerie was where I'd been dropped
The ground was quite soft so down I flopped
I scrambled to my feet and looked over the edge
The eagle's eerie was perched on a ledge
The stallions circled the tree, on the ground
I gasped with horror, oh no, I'd been found
Sitting on the edge I prepared to jump
But in my throat I founnd a lump
The stallions reared with uneartly hate
Any help would come too late
Unicorns joined the chaotic mob
I looked, saw them, and gave a sob
The unicorns' eyes were friendly though
Their faces quickly extinguished my woe
Though the eagle's eerir was very high
They leaped up without seeming to try
Their horns held high, their proudest features
Such wonderful, noble and kindly creatures
One walked forward, so fair of face
I could never match that grace
He bent his knees and lay at my side
I got on, unprepared for a frantic ride
Then all of a suden, together as one
They jumped to the ground and began to run
Their pounding hooves sounded like thunder
I clung on and lstened in wonder
The swish of their tails sounded like rain
I would never go into the woods again
Their bodies like lightening in a powerful stream
All of their bodies were silver or cream
I screamed as to a cliff we neared
We might fall off is what I feared
We reached the edge
They nver faltered
At that point my life was altered
At the head my unicorn pranced
As on his back the moonlight danced
As one they leaped from the summit
I shut my eyes for the plummit
This was it, time to die
The crash never came, they'd begun to fly!
They neighed with joy as they flew past the moon
As it's watery light shone through the gloom
They soared and glided, dived and rose
They were totally wild from their tail to their nose
Finally after a furious flight
Dawn broke through the deep dark night
Down to the ground to land we sped
All together, me still at the head
They touched down, as light as a feather
Then lay down on a blanket of heather
In shock I slid from my spirited mount
He turned towards me, I stroked his snout
I leaned against him and fell asleep
Nothing could wake me my sleep was so deep
I dreamed of the uncorns who'd chosen me
Dreamed of them running, wild and free

Egal Bohen 30 April 2008

Oh yes, I like this one! An abundance of essential imagination here Egal..

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