The Leashed Poem by Randy McClave

The Leashed

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The pet is again beaten
It is mistreated and hurt,
But, from its owner, it's master
It does not ever desert.
It is kicked and it is cursed
And it is pushed about and also hit
But, it always stands at the side
Of the owner, the abuser of it.
It is not petted and is seldomly praised
As all dogs and cats most oftently are,
But, it will be loyal and obedient to its master
Be, the master near or far.
It will always love and listen to its master
At its master's enemies she will always growl,
She truly needs her master
When she's lonely, for her master she will seemingly howl.
She kisses her master's wounds
She feels only joy and no regret,
And she does it without questioning commands
She is treated and thought of as only his pet.
When a dog is yelled at and scolded
A person would feel like they're in hell,
Though the dog will still love and want its master
And they both happily bounce about wagging their tail.
Whatever the master ever wants
Whatever the master needs or does say,
The pet will always happily accept it
Unto their master they will always obediently obey.
They will sit and beg when they are told
They will be told what to have and what to seek,
Commands and needs are their only rules
They will even be told when they can speak.
The master sleeps in the bed
The woman sleeps curled up like a whore,
While the master has dreams and wishes
The woman has none anymore.
No matter the hurt or the whines
No matter the suffering or any disaster,
Even when a dog is unloved and unwanted
It will always unselfishly return and love its master.
A pet is seen as property and a servant
As it is there seemingly to only beg and please,
She does as she is taught and commanded
As again and again she implores on her two knees.

Randy L. McClave

Saturday, October 3, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: abused,female,woman
This poem came about after seeing a woman leaving a good and happy environment going back to a man who abused her mentally and physically
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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