The Man With The Big Hat Poem by Samantha Wallace

The Man With The Big Hat

Who is that man with the great big hat,
Who lives down Hunter's Lane,
Who whistles a tune as he walks,
As if he were insane?

He always seems so happy,
He never wears a frown,
He has a smile for everyone,
And wears a coat just like a gown.

I wondered to myself one day,
Until I got up the nerve,
To stop him to say hello,
And his kindness to observe.

He seemed a man of mystery,
Although I'd never heard him speak,
But I could tell he'd lived quite a life,
That had made him so unique.

But as we spoke, I realised,
That nothing is as it seems,
For when he shared his story,
My assumptions crumbled at the seams.

For as he removed his hat to greet me,
I saw not a single hair in sight,
The mane of hair I'd clear imagined,
He said was lost in the war of his big C fight.

But how he managed to keep upbeat,
Was the most amazing part to hear,
For although he was still in the battle,
He'd found a God who made him cheer.

So now he wears his hat with proud,
And whistles as he goes,
Keen to tell his story and fit the role,
Of his champion Indiana Jones.

For he'd found that when you face life's battles,
And treat life as an adventure,
There is nothing that can phase you,
When you know the God who holds your future!

Samantha Wallace

Samantha Wallace

Johannesburg, South Africa
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