A hot Summer's day
market stalls everywhere
Smoke rises from the barbeque
customers queue in the square
A lady is busily braiding hair
a man sells boots and shoes
A mother sells blankets
her daughter takes a snooze
Books are propped on steps
clothes hang pole to pole
Goods of all kinds
for body, mind and soul
Bubbles in the pond
bubbles in the air
Children in the water
bubbles in their hair
Pictures of hay making
of men footing turf
Pictures of wildflowers
of seashells by the surf
Cockerels crow in crates
'cock a doodle do'
Pots of flowering plants
with a sign 'fiver for two'
Antiques on tables
sets of silverware
a couple of lustre jugs
a sturdy sugan chair
Some semi precious stones
glisten in the sun
Five herbs for a tenner
another deal is done
Lots of bric-a-brac
a willow patterned plate
tupperware containers
an unused fire grate
Smiles on people's faces
ice cream on toddlers chins
a breeze blows from the bay
wasps buzz around the bins
Trays of cabbage plants
lettuce by my feet
The aroma of brewing coffee
drifts down the street
Shoppers chat beside the stalls
sellers are laid back, no fuss
Bags laden down with bargains
to take home on the bus
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
A beautiful description of a market place in the town. I enjoy strolling a market place especially on a lazy sunday. Very nice. keep inking.
Thanks so much Anil, yes great fun browsing at a market!