mike monahan

mike monahan Poems

the silence of the night is stirred by strong pulses
from the north that cut across the moonlit ocean
the waters shimmer and gleam like gold, as nature
begins her perpetual motion,

log fueled fire blazes in a hearth, throwing out intermittent shadows embellishing a darkened room a flickering candle burns through yet another Christmas eve its light reaches out to highlight images of a family past

.{ Maureen Dolaghan}

In the golden corn, the sunlit dawns
we lay in each other's arms

I'm grateful for the loving people who make me feel so glad
I'm grateful for nurses and doctors when I'm feeling bad
I'm grateful for my family and friends who cheer me when I'm blue
I'm grateful for old Ireland and for our culture too

Floatıng off, dıspensed to oblıvıon
The butterflıes that caressed our awakenıngs
Years of blıss dıe as a bıtter memory
Love snubbed out wıth the speed of a flame


Oh how I long to hold you tight enshrouded together in day and night,
In our soul we are us as one, blended in light that blocks out the Sun,
In sleep you breathed us out, I inhaled us home, giving pure love our eternal throne,
to the end of time my sweet our dreams will come true, for your love lives in me

God looked around His Kingdom and found a heavenly face,
In you He saw a kindly soul in his heaven He kept you a place,
He wrapped His arms around you and elevated you to rest,
As His garden is full of beauty He only takes the best,


one day I was strolling down an old country lane with my two dogs pulling freely on their reins my thoughts were of the gentle breeze that lifted and laid a blanket of leaves
in my mind I began to see shapes of Summer bouquets and Christmas wreaths

raising my gaze from the ground to the sky flocks of migrating birds came fleetingly by

As the sun sets down on Dublin bay its dying rays meets the cross of the Celt,
in Bridget's old churchyard where love once tread, dark shadows cast out a net to be embraced by a weeping willow,
final bursts of solar light end the day captivating two Gaelic hearts etched in bark pierced with a arrow,
a remembrance stone engraved RIP dies out in the light that fades haunted by ghosts from a past life...

reflection on still waters reminded of an era now gone
music, laughter, nostalgia and song
days, years, loyal ones and true, all since gone, faded away like the mountain dew,
gazing above at a cloudless sky, memories floated away locked in daydream


arising one morning I shook my weary head, rays of golden sunshine revolved around my bed, I opened up my windows to allow some air into my room was greeted by the fragrance of my garden flowers perfumes, in looking to my garden wall red roses i could see being pollinated thoroughly by swarms of busy bumble bees, in the heaven above that were coloured blue the swifts and swallows rapidly flew, after breakfast i left my country home outward to the coast i decided to roam.
on arrival the tides were out with a mass of screaming people running all about, 'ice cream! 'ice cream'! a vendor did yell'its a beautiful day and I have plenty to sell! The crowds thronged around the vendor like bees around honey, A little child shrieked, 'I lost all my money! As the hue and cry passed away, money been found everyone was smiling no face had a frown
walking along the shifting sands, I witnessed kites flying with multitudes of folk on the beach were lying.other bodies were eating cheese and partaking of wine they didn't take notice when i asked them the time,
into the madness of this magnificent day saneness I did seek, Phew! the smell of seaweed oh it did reek! Ladies I observed wore straw hats while menfolk and children were digging holes like rats,

Hand clasped in hand when loved glazed eyes perused the firmament once bathed in romance from moonlit nights, memories locked in Winter snows, long Summer days, flowers, trees and seas ageing pain tribulations, spilling tears could not extinguish their burning flame, Burdens discarded their earthly bodies surrendered to external hibernation bonded spirits flew forth to a reunion with love beyond love , In timeless bliss they dance throughout the Universe seeking dreams of their dreams, onwards, complete, united forever as one...

1990 Mike Monahan

Summer, the season of warmth and light
Where days are long and the sun shines bright
A time of joy, a time of fun
When we bask in the heat and soak up the sun

mike monahan Biography

I am a professional photographer. I have many poems published over the years in various journals.I love poetry concerning the journey through life from birth till death. The world around us is all we have so highlight its beauty, sorrows and joys when we can is my philosophy!)

The Best Poem Of mike monahan


the silence of the night is stirred by strong pulses
from the north that cut across the moonlit ocean
the waters shimmer and gleam like gold, as nature
begins her perpetual motion,
an increased volume of sound greets the land with the
hooting of an owl fading away into the hills replaced
by the breath of mother natures icy chills
in a lonely dwelling in a distant field the mice
they scurry across the beams to rest to the safety
of their straw clad nests
fir trees in a forest glade bow down and quiver as
the majestic force of life rises across streams and
down through the valleys, the villages and towns
the windsong continues until at last, the silence of
the night abounds, snowflakes are falling without a

mikeymo {Subject to copyright}

mike monahan Comments

Matila Veronica Juntuta 05 April 2015

i looked, I saw and I believe! What a great poet!

895 0 Reply
Henry F James 17 March 2015

I said it all in comments to mikes work. I was introduced to this site by a friend and I was amazed at mikes talent for taking one on a journey from Winter to death! Overall TEN for every poem.

880 0 Reply
Edna Miller Browne 09 June 2015

recommended by a friend the poemhunters site. insisted I read Mike's poems. I can say I was more than impressed! Pure genius.

877 0 Reply
John Joe Bradford 23 June 2015

Just joined the site to buzz the famous poets. Came across Mike and I now have him as a famous poet. A master of verse. Pure genius.

865 0 Reply
Fred Scott 21 August 2015

Havnt been on Mike's site for a while but his latest poems were superb. 'Kingdom 'brought a tear to my eye. A truly gifted person!

823 0 Reply
Edwin Powell 28 May 2024

a wonderful journey. I can feel the chill of the changes towards winter

2 0 Reply
kaya Brodio 02 March 2024

recommended by a friend I find Mikes poetry fantastic. I enjoyed all of them about the seasons and indeed the life we have on this planet

4 0 Reply
Gill Hipkin 30 September 2020

Mike is a extremely gifted poet. His poems are from the heart and he is my favourite person to expose every day emotions from living to dying

24 0 Reply
Tanya De Burgh 01 September 2020

Just had another look in at mikes poems! He is totally down to earth with his poems that make a lot of sense as to what life is about! ! fantastic! ! !

31 0 Reply
Kevi Keego 14 July 2019

recommended by a friend and I was not disappointed . He reads the best down to earth poetry I have ever read! Ten out of ten every time for all his work

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