The Method Actor Poem by Raj Dronamraju

The Method Actor

Must live the role constantly, take on the role
Until there is no separation between the role and the actor
Must observe "real" people, being and acting and role playing as truth

Must try to look like a husband and a father
And one who brings home fast food for everyone in large brown paper bags
Must show caring about home maintenance and lawn maintenance

I observe hairy arms and money goal recognition and why Francis Scott Key is important to you
I observe jello fruit desserts and shoes lined up in size order by family member and "space" and those that demand it like spoiled children nagging for the latest toy and selfishness chest bumps horizon slanted familial constraints

He wanted to play a bus driver so he drove a bus for several months
Must play at fitting in so he tried to like what other people liked to fit in
He talked about housing prices as if they could extend his mortality

All the while distraction angel/devil on your shoulder conjures up memorydreams of countryside tall grass hiding place, the sound of a river barreling forward nearby
No need for time there, I'm not hungry and the wind is cool and gentle, the sun is not overtly pushy

Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: pretence
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