The Night Is Dark And Full Of Terror Poem by Matt Starking

The Night Is Dark And Full Of Terror

In the depths of the night, when all is still and bare,
When the wind howls harshly and the trees begin to scare,
It is then that the creatures of the night arise,
Unleashing their powers in a world beyond the skies.

Shadows dance in the moonlight, ghosts whisper from the trees,
The night is pregnant with magic, with secrets and mysteries.
And as the stars twinkle above, the creatures convene,
In a feast of the supernatural, dark and unforeseen.

The air is thick with arcane rituals and spells,
As the witches concoct their brews in their smoky hells.
Werewolves howl to the moon, vampires quaff their wine,
And demons laugh and prance, in orgies so divine.

But beware, my friend, for nothing is as it seems,
As the supernatural surges, and the veil between worlds gleams.
For when the morning light slices through the night,
The creatures will disappear, vanishing from your sight.

So, lock your doors and windows, and pray until the dawn,
For when the supernatural comes, it never lasts for long.
And as the world returns to normal, and all seems well and right,
Remember, my friend, that you were part of the otherworldly sight.

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