Africa, Africa
rise up Africa
Africa, Africa
stand up Africa
when will you learn Africa
your sons and daughters are calling
they are crying
for they are starving
when will you change
oh Africa
you hate wisdom
so do not have freedom
and mystery consuming your kingdom
to be brave means disrespect
you have lost a great prospect
Africa, Africa
rise up Africa
Africa, Africa
wake up Africa
For Political atrocities
Destroying our beautiful cities
Please do away with corruption
do what is right
That is the only tradition
Not this religious illusion
Seek nature; for education
is the best solution
Africa, Africa
Stand up Africa
Amazing poem, truly enhoyed the patriotic rhythm in these words, precious words from an honest heart. TOP Marks, dear African Poet, I just found you today and I was here since 2013. TFS
A patrotic poem that provokes a refection on Africa. Well done dear poet for penning this
Brave utterances set aside for honest reflection. Africa, an endowed continent that relentlessly wallows in the throes of economic woes. An insightful piece of poetry, focussed and factual. Thanks for sharing King and do remain blessed.
A wake up call that if heeded can bring transformation to our great continent!
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
I love you and your call recently i wrote Somalia and other calling world to put on eyes and save the poeple read my I am Dead