The Non-Profit Organizations Services For World Unity And Peace! Poem by Ramesh T A

The Non-Profit Organizations Services For World Unity And Peace!

Like politics, social service clubs and associations, literature serves people
Through novels, nonfiction articles and poetry for the betterment of world ever;
These are the fields where selfless service for humankind is really possible;
By doing great service by these means, one establishes as who one is the world!

These works are similar to farmer's work or cinema director's work for the public;
Message for social change or social betterment is the motive behind their services
That occupy them ever on thoughts, ideas, dreams and visions what to do next ever;
Such a sense of service keeps them gong in the field they are interested very much!

They are the interlocutor or mediator or moderator bringing all people together on
One platform to discuss their view points and foster peace, love and friendship
For the realization of a great dream of all, which's nothing but creation of one world
By uniting all one nations under one roof to share all natural resources and all...!

World Conferences of such organizations are the occasions that bring closure all
Peace and love fostering ones as ambassadors of the world nations as in UNO ever!

Monday, January 8, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: world peace
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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