The One God Poem by Mohammad Younus

The One God

I can't ask you to come down;
I can't ask you to come up;
Because on all my sides I find none but you;
Because beyond coming and going are you;
I watch the universe created by you;
I see through all things you are speaking to me;
And let me speak without any threat or fear!
All the things in the universe manifest only you;
No thing is inferior, and no thing is superior;
Because all the things in truth mirror only you;
I mark your presence everywhere in the universe;
On some faces you wear a wrinkled veil;
On some bodies you put on torn shirts;
On some bodies you put on Shahtoosh robes;
The poor and the rich have not two different gods;
Who is the creator of the poor and the rich, except you?
No one must beg from any other...
...You are the provider of all;
You offer alms to the barefooted faqir...
...who walks in your valleys!
You provide to him melodious music as breakfast;
You provide him light to walk through the dark valleys;
I see you from morning to evening telling me:
'SAY: He is the One God:
God the Eternal, the Uncaused Cause of All Being.
He begets not, and neither is He begotten;
And there is nothing that could be compared with Him.'


The One God
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