The One Who Loves Poem by Naveed Akram

The One Who Loves

If the one who loves me alters me,
I will desert the ones who desire the injustice.
I will describe the toucher of sins,
My fame will be an exile and a trial.
Tall stories will depict the marriages of sin,
Heavy tomes will bury the older ones,
Love will banish us from the sphere.

If the one who loves me admonishes me,
Let him chide the children of my hands,
Let him forget the ruination of his light and heart.
If he alters my visage then the face is cooled,
It is thwarted forever in this way and goal,
It is the face of desires and faults so tall and strong;
The face will cry like no other face that describes.

It is my tougher stone and my tougher thought,
The strength of my soul swallows whole the end.
The end is nightly and daily the orchestra of might,
It is musical and an end in itself, it is the death of life.
Force unites with comfort, and life forgives my tone,
For the mighty words are engraved in this tall pillar,
A college of thought, a fortress of knowledge.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Naveed Akram

Naveed Akram

London, England
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