The Only One Poem by Tatianna Rei Moonshadow

The Only One

We used to be so close
You swore we had forever
For nearly five years
I could only see us together
But now I barely know you
And you never pick up the phone
For the first time in my life
You've left me entirely alone
But I know its not your fault
I'm the one who took too long
When you wanted me I turned away
And now I realized I was wrong
I should have accepted then
And now it is much too late
I used to be the rebellious one
But now your the one defying fate
We're supposed to be forever
We are written in the stars
Our lives are to be spent together
Yet I'm still here wondering where you are
Why aren't you here tonight
Here where you belong
Did I really pull away that much
Did I really make you wait too long
How could I be so foolish
To let you fall out of love
I let you believe that I was hopeless
When I really crave your touch
I let you lose your faith in us
I let you lose your faith in fate
The premonitions now mean nothing
We no longer have a wedding date
I'm losing myself in the void
That has appeared where my heart used to be
Ever since you left its been growing
And your The Only One that can save me


wow...i like this...its so...heartbreaking...touching...etc.

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