The Path Poem by Aufie Zophy

The Path

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There is a request in prayers every day
to be shown our God's path, His magnificent way
A simple request, Thy will be done on earth
A simple request; but what is it really worth
if it is not accompanied by any thought or reflection
if it is not followed by any meaningful action?

If we just ramble on, saying the words as fast as we can
how will our prayer benefit us or any other man?
Let us think during our prayer about what to do or not
to be on that path, to follow the will of our God.
Since the gifts and talents differ for me and for you
we really have to think for ourselves what we should do

In my imagination, I see a diamond path, smooth and bright.
Being right in the middle brings us peace and pure delight,
even if we just manage to be in the middle for a while.
It happens mostly just after we walk the figurative extra mile

When we went out of our way
to make a bit better the day
of a brother or sister, foe or friend,
in the middle of that path, we land.

A simple bout of anger or unfriendliness
and we sway off the path into a bout of stress
I get into the mud far from that way, into a mess
until my heart returns to love and kindness

I hope, my God, more often I can tune into virtue
because that brings us a bit closer to You
It brings us to that middle of that wonderful way
Let me be there, now, tomorrow and every day.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: prayer,virtue,reflection
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