The Present Poem by David Wood

The Present

Rating: 5.0

What is the present going to be, and whom is it for.
What does it cost and where was it bought.
We wander down several avenues and climb many hills
Literally and metaphorically.
We search, and continue searching, we seek but do we look.
There is so much choice, oh what to do.
Searching for a present is like finding our way through life.
We have an idea, and choose a path.
We give life our best shot, we buy what we think somebody wants.
Sometimes we are lucky, sometimes not.
Sometimes we fall flat on our face; hurt, embarrassment - shame.
Just like a burnt dinner we have cooked.
The roast beef now a charred blackened lump staring back at you.
Your guests asking, "everything alright".
We all wear a mask, we tell our guests not to worry, everything is OK.
We go down life's career path the same.
Everything will work out fine, until new technology….
We give our all and do what is best.
We search high and low for a present, the best we can buy.
But now, when is our best good enough.
We hide behind our mask and gaze into the mask of others.
The mask, the mask, everything is masked.
Even the present wears a mask to disguise its meaning.
we have to take what life throws at us.
And masked or otherwise, make the best choices that we can.

Joan D Smith 04 December 2017

Absolutely what today’s living is about. You got it David. Excellent.

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Leah Ross 02 December 2017

the present is scary to face

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