The Road Around My House Poem by Mark Heathcote

The Road Around My House

The road around my house is a flower garden
Of brick and tarmac and a thousand different
Ways to go wrong. It isn't any holiday home;
You've got to weed your way through every day
Knowing more obstacles will be put in the way.

Yes, we'd-all-love to live in a paradise garden
But first, we-must-till-the-soil and control the weeds
And understand the advantages and disadvantages
Of doing good groundwork first. We must cultivate
Each plot of earth we're-given if seeds are to grow.

It doesn't take an expert to chit-a-seed-potato,
Give-it-some warmth and light and-see-how-you-go
The road around my house is a flower garden
Of brick and tarmac and a thousand different
Ways to go wrong, but if you've double-dug.

And fertilized, you should have a harvest crop
Something to be proud of that won't just decay,
Rot the very next day. To create a paradise garden
A garden of self-sufficiency today is near impossible
But don't let this blear your lenses and never look back.

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