The Sacred Sacrifice Poem by Denis Martindale

The Sacred Sacrifice

Jerusalem, what could you see
When Jesus met His end?
For things were borne of secrecy
On that we can depend...
Tortured teacher, ripped Rabboni,
Lamentful Lamb of God,
God's Son who died for you, for me,
Who shed His own life's blood...

Love beaten, scourged and crucified,
Submitting to control,
The Sinner's Friend was He who died
To save each tainted soul...
No easy task, one heart to bear,
Yet Jesus paid the price,
Upon the Cross of Christ in prayer,
His sacred sacrifice...

And not enough till all was done,
Each prophecy fulfilled,
Such that we know Christ was God's son
When all had been revealed...
Thus Mary wept amid the crowd
When Christ was taken down,
Her righteous tears fell on His shroud
Still blood-stained from His crown...

His body lifted, borne away,
Amid the gruesome gloom,
Light of the world at end of day
Lay resting in His tomb...
No more the touring teacher known
To travel to and fro,
He humbly lay there all alone,
Apart from friend or foe...

But we know now, Lord Jesus lives,
To fight the good fight still
And that through Him our God forgives,
If we but do His will...
And this is why forgiveness spreads
Across both time and space,
For every time we bow our heads,
God sees our Saviour's face...

Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2012.

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