The Secrets Of Life... Poem by Cosmic Dreamer

The Secrets Of Life...

Rating: 4.5

As I peruse the pathways of memories within my mind,
I relive it all like a wave of emotion washing over me,
Paddling in a sea of distant dreams once lived,
My dreams have made me the man that I am today,
Yet I seek more, I yearn to know the secrets of life it's self,
To look into the eye of existance and say, 'I know you! '
The secrets of life tempt and torture me daily,
For these secrets have never been set in stone,
Open your heart and life's secrets shall be revealed...

Spread the love... The peace will follow...

Sally Plumb Plumb 28 November 2011

The secrets are learned with ageing.

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Unwritten Soul 20 November 2011

Secret if you reveal be no more secret...hahahaha :) Thanks for your nice message..Like this write you always know where in life there's a secret we still dont know, and secret of ourself, we know very well...could be the secret of life written same words as secret of ours...we dont know because the secret never reveal, then we can see the comparison.. However, when we growing from a weed to big, we learn and unlock the secret, like the tree we know how to breathe through leaf, drink through roots, flowering in certain time and fight in extreme weather...and we dare to keep dream, as we know more knowledge of life...but the secret of life still a secret, but not for you anymore..for others who still not understand what their dream or when they still not learn from what they have faced...Nice write Cosmic dreamer...write more_Unwritten Soul

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