The Sound Of Suicide. Poem by Lois doyle

The Sound Of Suicide.

I sit and stare,
Watching as I hold my love silent.
I listen to the birds,
They're music starts to sound faint,
And the world grows quiet.
The darkness swallows me,
Leaving me into a place unknown, unkind.

The stiffness of the world leads me into a fit,
Trying to find your hand that may never be there, or was there.
I told you long ago and you said it back,
But tonight I hold my lips silent.
I walk by you, and hold my breath,
For I know I could never have you hold me again.
And for us this is what we label, the end.

I sit and stare at the one I love,
Pushing through the same pain I went through.
I try to scream to tell him I'm here,
But he only notices my lips move into a silent goodbye.
He walks away with a drowing smile,
And I notice the same look in his eyes,
The same silence that falls on his lips,
Just as I had before.

The world's music is filled with unkind descresions.
Children sleeping in boxes that are colored with molds.
Rape and suicide are just another growing statistic.
I would have never known that fake look,
If I hadn't portrayed it so long ago.

But I sit and stare at the one I long to be with,
I watch him walk away again and again over and over,
And then I hear a sound of suicide out of silence,
And then another closer to my mind,
For us this is what we label, the end.

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