The Tale Of The Ruined Paradise Poem by Pranayee Rachamalla

The Tale Of The Ruined Paradise

An other name for the Heaven it was,
The big- old neem tree that was side to my house,
A heartful shelter and a lovely paradise,
elegantly decorated with nests, kites and birdhouses,
It was Mother to many since ages,
with splendid brown trunk and bright green foliage
who was the reason behind, the sweet cuckoo's song
and a support, on which tiny tots swing along,
The alarm because of sparrows,
with the good morning- songs of pigeons and crows,
was only because of that mother of many twigs and creepers,
Welcome songs of bees and butterflies with the chorus of other birds,
helped me always, when I get stuck up with my words,
That was the bond we had with that age old doctor!
This happiness and smiles got vanished forever
until a businessman wanted it to be cut however
The tree was cut mercilessly,
Still we stood there helplessly,
At last, that castle of smiles collapsed,
people tried to forget it as the days elapsed,
but the birds couldn't forget
having the tree missing there, they silently go back.
I could still imagine that tree,
I can still hallucinate the sounds of birds sitting there!
It is still alive in our thoughts,
Forever we have lost, that best gift we have got!

Thursday, May 26, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: missing
this is a real story that happened with me, really i miss that neem tree a lot! the every time the day is too hot or when we experience hot wind i think of that tree, when that tree was alive we din't had that problem, , , , this poem is purely dedicated to that tree!
Kishore Kumar Das 31 May 2016

The magical benefits of neem tree along with the numerous rewards it delivers to the flora and fauna encompassing the environment have been lucidly captured in your touching this connection may i request u to read my poem, ' the neem tree' existing near my bed room window...

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thanks for your comment sir! that's so nice of you. and i'm glad to know about your would be my pleasure reading that that! thank you once again.

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