The Things I Learned As A Bartender Poem by Tricia McCallum

The Things I Learned As A Bartender

There is no such thing as the perfect martini.
Jazz musicians make lousy tippers.
A couple can walk in fighting and after two shots of tequila
hold each other for dear life on the dance floor
like they did in high school.

A woman doesn't notice her date's drink order
as much as how he treats the waitress.
No matter how cool the pickup line
women want kind.
Even with nothing to gain
people can be small and mean.

A table of plastic surgeons
can be more obnoxious, abusive than
a convention of professional wrestlers.
The plain girl alone at the end of the bar
has an achingly beautiful story
no one will hear.
The busboy with the bad skin.
His will also go untold.

Some people cannot be reached.
The hulking cab driver
who climbed the back stairs for his double cheeseburger
every night at 8: 30, month after month,
stayed mute, no eye contact. He'd pay with a twenty
and wave away the change.
Leave without a word.
From him I learned
it's impossible to imagine
all the damage done.

The Things I Learned As A Bartender
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: broken,depression,goodbye,heart,heartache,heartbreak,learning,loneliness,lonely,longing
I was in fact a bartender for a time in my 20's in a popular singles' bar in Toronto. I reveal only some of the things I learned during that time. It may be the most instructive job a poet can have. That, and paramedic. I wouldn't trade the experience for anything now.
Pamela Sinicrope 12 June 2017

I've been a bartender and a waiter, among many other jobs. Your observational poem rings true to my experiences too. I am fascinated by others and enjoy just observing and listening. Your poem brings up some interesting never know what people are going this occupation you see kindness and hatredd/disdain.

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Jazib Kamalvi 08 June 2017

Write comment. A learned start. Thanks

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