The Third Day Poem by Daniel Brick

The Third Day

The Man Speaks:
It was during the Seven Days
of Creation that we fell in love.
It was probably only the middle
of that week, because eerything
was still moist with its beginning.
Of course, we didn't plan any of
this. No one in those days planned
anything, because God was still laying
foundations: wherever he rested
his almighty hand, there was a turmoil
of creation, and something came forth,
something new and never seen before
came into being. She and I know so little
about our origins, but angels on divine
missions stop to refresh themselves, and
they tell us stories. How he created
this garden of plants and animals
by his divine word, how he created
the two of us by his divine word.
And then he departed without a word
to us. Where is he? Will he come back?
The visiting angels know nothing, they smile
but can give us no words of his whereabouts.
The woman and I discovered love in his absence.
The angels wish us well and depart....

The woman speaks:
We were close by each other
for a very long time, under the big light
in the sky and under the small light other times.
It was under the small light, when our eyes locked,
and we stared into each other's being. Under big light,
something more happened. We tumbled together, rolled
over the grass in a tangled, and then, then,
we were suddenly one being. For a long moment,
and nothing else mattered. We have repeated
this long moment again and again. The angels told him
this is called LOVE, and he told me it is called L0VE.
The angels ignore me, our eyes never lock, they never
speak to me. It does not matter to me: I live and love
in the garden with him. We roam and the animal roam
with us. We share the long moment often. We must find
a name for what we are experiencing....

Thursday, September 13, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: garden,love
Glen Kappy 23 September 2018

Hey, Daniel! I certainly never thought of recreating this coming together, so I found this interesting. Why are the angels ignoring the woman rather than smiling and cheering? —That coupling is also part of God’s design. Hoping this finds you chipper, Glen

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