The Three-Minute Sermon! Poem by Denis Martindale

The Three-Minute Sermon!

Can you explain the Gospel Truth to someone you just met?
Regardless of your strength, or youth, or words not thought of yet?

Just preach in simple terms of love of God's amazing grace,
To state God's grace has proved enough, it's worthy to embrace?

Quote Jesus, and tell how Christ died, to pay the price for sin,
Raised from the dead, as prophesied, so our faith could begin.

The Holy Spirit guides the Church with teachings Jesus shared,
A billion Bibles we can search to help us get prepared.

Three-minute sermons save the lost and guide to Heaven's Throne,
Because our Saviour paid the cost, yet not for us alone.

Denis Martindale. Friday, the 23rd of September 2022.

Gospel poem:
The ultimate sacrifice and the ultimate salvation.
The Gospel poem got shared on Revelation TV's
R-Mornings on Friday, the 23rd of September 2022.

Friday, September 23, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: Christianity,resurrection
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