The Time Of Your Dreams Poem by The Original Tom Maxwell

The Original Tom Maxwell

The Original Tom Maxwell

East St. Louis Illinois /now in Junction city, or Belleville, Illinois

The Time Of Your Dreams

Rating: 5.0

Our dreams and visions, come so fast through our mind,
most of us can never recall, the date, or period in time.

Sometimes, we can remember a friendly face,
and still can not recall, the time, or place

Dreams give us guidance, as we travel on our way,
it's up to us to follow them, not waiting for a certain time, or day.

If we knew the exact moment, certain events, were to come our way,
we would not put much effort, to learn, from our mistakes everyday.

Next time your in a dream, ask someone the time, if you remember,
you will know, are seeing, ahead or behind, this life, in your mind.

Tom Maxwell copyright 01/012/2004

Saturday, October 17, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: dreams,messages,time
Lodigiana Poetess 17 October 2020

What a delightful piece of work..well deserved to be POD..thank you sharing this with us. Lodigiana x

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Paul Brookes 17 October 2020

A great piece of writing enjoyed the premise

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The Original Tom Maxwell

The Original Tom Maxwell

East St. Louis Illinois /now in Junction city, or Belleville, Illinois
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