The Torontonian Takes A Walk In The Empty Ball Park Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

The Torontonian Takes A Walk In The Empty Ball Park

The Torontonian takes a walk in the empty ball park
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
As W. S. Di Pierro has said in his poem in The New Yorker,
I also "love morning's "un"menacing purpled beauty,
Its silvered extremities, how it tamps beginnings
But cheers us through sunrise's slow ascending flannel blue";

The most lovable aspect of the morning is the rising sun
Which with its magnitude of golden glow and spreading feeling of warmth
Takes us on a journey, a pathway to success,
For with the day, starts our hours of operation
And I must draw your attention to the fact that my 21 year old son is a bit of a night owl;

And as Jorie Graham has said in the same issue,
"Splash went the wave
Your feet stood fast
Your hem was touched
We saw you watch";

I long to feel the onset of summer
With its cosy shelter
And at times, sweltering heat,
But above all, the feel of the greenness and colour of vegetation;

I pray to you, COVID-19 virus, to stop spreading
And just fade away like the days of our lives
Leaving behind an everlasting imprint in our memories
Of the havoc the virus wreaked on some of our lives;

Personally speaking, I have not experienced much of a change in my life
Other than less of shopping ease and denial of the TTC and my near and dear ones
Being around all the time and hence, a lack of sexual freedom in the direction of solitude
And a frenzied hurry in doing my engineering and scientific experiments and analysis
For let's face it, there could be no tomorrow;

And this would be a tragedy in the face of engineering and scientific research
Or in the direction of artistic and literary endeavours
And work all around has suffered because of the COVID-19 virus
If this continues, if could mean "the end of the world as we know it"
And I say, I do not feel fine;

If I take a walk in the ball park, I see the empty feel
And in baseball, if a player were to stop to tie his shoelaces,
His shoes would not make it to the next base or end up at home
But I sure do like ‘em shoestrings for it could mean a string of good luck.

1. The Free Dictionary

Friday, March 27, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: baseball,virus
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