The Voice And The Vision Poem by Denis Martindale

The Voice And The Vision

'Behold the sun, the moon, the stars! '
I heard the Saviour say!
'Beyond all these, one day you'll pass,
To meet Me here one day...'
And while I knelt in tearful prayer,
A vision was outpoured...
And these two eyes began to stare
At Jesus Christ our Lord!
For there He was and in plain sight,
A vision to behold,
Outshining stars that shone at night,
His glory good as gold!

And when Christ spoke, what words He said,
Foretelling what must be,
Our sacred Saviour, who was dead,
Now sharing prophecy...
Mistakes forgiven, sins as well,
Wrong roads I proudly took,
The day that I was saved from Hell,
Blessed by God's holy book...
And all my troubles were explained,
Lost battles I had fought,
Each victory that I had gained,
Lost souls that I had caught...

'The prophecy must bide its time,
Till Israel owns the land,
Then every truth would be sublime,
For men would understand...
So recall the voice and vision
And preach the prophecy...
Take time to make your decision,
If you will live for Me...'
Lord Jesus blessed me, said, 'Good-bye...'
Ascended to God's Throne...
For now He knew how hard I'd try
To make the Gospel known!

Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2012.

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